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We received notice today from the bishop's office of a rally happening at the provincial legislative building on Sunday, 24 September in support of queer and trans youth in our province. The request from the Ven. Simon Blaikie is below.

I have attached a notice which speaks to a Queer & Trans Youth Rally scheduled for this Sunday. Please review the notice and disseminate the information it conveys widely within your respective communities be they parish, personal, work or social.We have an opportunity as individuals and as communities to stand behind, beside and in front of the vulnerable people in our midst when welcomed and necessary to do so.  Parishes are encouraged to participate and carry their banners…clergy are encouraged to wear clericals….  I believe the body of Christ needs to be visibly supporting all youth and particularly those most marginalized and in very real physical, emotional and spiritual danger. Please show the world that we love our neighbour.

If you wish to participate in the march following the 10:30 liturgy, please speak to the Rev. Andrew Rampton and we will travel as a group from the parish.