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Our diocesan bishop has sent a letter to all parishes regarding the state of our Companion Diocese relationship with Central Buganda in the Church of Uganda. A PDF of the letter is available on this post. The text of the bishop's letter is:

Greetings in Christ our Lord.

On July 5, 2023 I shared an open letter to The Most Rev’d Stephen Kaziimba, Primate of Uganda, The Rt. Rev’d Michael Lubowa, Bishop Ordinary of the Diocese of Central Buganda, The Most Rev’d Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury, The Most Rev’d Linda Nicholls, Primate of Canada, and the disciples of the Diocese of Rupert’s Land, Canada. The letter announced our protest concerning the recent decision by Primate Kaziimba of the Anglican Church of Uganda to champion the government’s new law criminalizing homosexuality.

The Most Rev’d Stephen Kaziimba responded in a private communication to me, proposing a zoom meeting to end our Companion Diocese Covenant, renewed only this past January. I have received counsel from our Primate, The Most Rev’d Linda Nicholls to meet with The Most Rev’d Stephen Kaziimba, Primate of Uganda, The Rt Rev’d Michael Lubowa, Bishop Ordinary of the Diocese of Central Buganda to draw our Companion Diocese relationship to a end. Accordingly, I will seek advice from the Companion Diocese Committee and our Diocesan Council as to how I proceed in light of Archbishop Stephen’s proposal.

I am proud and honoured to serve our diocese especially as we rise as the Body to protect 2SLGBTQ+ people, their families and allies, as well as other vulnerable folk of the world. We take seriously Jesus’ call to love our neighbour as ourselves, even when that comes at such a great cost.

Please pray for the councils and committees of the Church and the bishop as we discern the pathway.